Sunday, May 30, 2010

I only drink Bud

The Queers - Love Songs for the Retarded (1993)

Rating 2.50/5.00

Where 5 is acoustic rock at its psychedelic best

Now too much punk is not always a good thing - and that the Queers are a talented lot when it comes to giving fucking vulgar (and hence nice) song titles is undeniable; here's a sampling of titles from this album- Ursula finally has tits, I can't stop farting, fuck this world, I only drink bud

I only drink bud is not an offensive title, I doesn't appear in this album but it describes the Queers. They do only punk and they do it exactly the way Ramones would do it and they're not trying anything new at all - and that's disappointing. I would like to have a bud mixed with a quart of scotch please.

But yes, if you're in the mood for something fast and expected with some good cussing then The Queers are just right!

 Allmusic link for a review which is shorter than this and says more :)

1 comment:

  1. i would disagree slightly. sometimes there is fun in routine. guess the queers thought about it too and just did the routine.

    its a best routine punk album i say.

