Beirut - The Flying Club Cup (2007)
Rating 4.5/5.0
Where 5 is an album I want to listen to again 'coz noone can beat Kodachrome
Its been a long, long time since I really liked a piece of music as much as I have liked this. Beirut's The Flying Club Cup made me sit up and take notice mainly because it assimilates its diverse musical influences without being superficial. That's rare - most bands would just use a sitar to make a song sound different or better still copy a folk tune from some far flung latin american country and write a song around it. Zach Condon (Beirut's one and only band member) is different - he knows the music he is deriving from and he knows how to.
This is Eastern european gypsy music....
This is modern day pyschedelic eccentricity....
This is indie folk....
....all mixed together with Condon playing nearly all the instruments including the horns, accordion and the mandolin. Condon's genius is in making a profound yet enjoyable statement in this apparently confusing conundrum. This album intends to take you on a different path and who knows, by the end of it you might know what this Zen koan really means -
Shoyoroku - Case 84: Gutei's One Finger (from the book of Eternity)
Whatever he was asked, Master Gutei simply stuck up one finger.
I know what it means and I realised it right after listening to this song.
Download this wonderful album here
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