Monday, April 18, 2011

Because you're on television, dummy.

Network (1976)

Rating 4.75/5.00
where 5.00 is a film which refuses to become old

This film is pure class - dialogues that draw you in like a nail to a super magnet; a script that leaves you awestruck at its originality and its relevance even now - 34 years after it was made; sub-plots that are so potent they are mini-movies in themselves; and a cast which makes it impossible for you to question the outrageousness of the script.

It is 8.1 on IMDB :-)

I also watched -

Rio (2011) - which really sucks - its a poorly done hotch potch of Ice Age and Madagascar. If you're making a movie with speaking animals - you better make it a tear jerker OR you make it very funny OR a mix of both. Rio fails on all counts and I'm happy I didn't spend any money on it :) If only I could get my hands on those birds - I'll wring their necks with my bare hands!

The Fighter (2010) - Christian Bale is God. The Fighter is the film that proves it. Every movement, every twitch, every breath, every hint of a smile - Bale epitomises what many actors just don't get - he lives the character and makes it look as effortless as Al Pacino did in Dog Day Afternoon. This is the film you watch just for one performance and its a bonus that the film is good too :-)

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