Sunday, August 8, 2010

You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.

Inception (2010)

Rating 2.5/5
where 5 is a much better Nolan film

Born in London in 1970, Christopher Nolan began making films at the age of seven using his father's super 8mm camera and an assortment of male-action figures.

So Nolan has been making movies for 33 years now!!!

Scorcese was born in 1942. After serious deliberations about entering the priesthood - he entered a seminary in 1956 - Martin Scorsese opted to channel his passions into film. He graduated from NYU as a film major in 1964.

Scorcese has been making movies for atleast 48 years!

2010 will be remembered as the year when they both made duds! Shutter Island was a terrible Scorcese movie - because HE made it and Inception is a terrible Nolan movie - again because HE made it!!!

As far as concept goes, things are going well. First half is decent but what's up with the second half - what the fuck - people fighting in the snow (for some time I thought I was watching Where Eagles Dare and I was not in the mood for that shit), scene after scene after scene which did nothing to further the story or unravel the mystery (if any). Compare this with the Matrix...every scene had something to add, something to tell and something to hide. I'm not a Matrix fan but this film leaves me with no choice but to compare.

Nolan is young so I guess he'll make up for this piece of good looking day.

It is 9.2 here !!!!

1 comment:

  1. I dunno mate. I do end up judgin movies on some other parameters as well. That is apart from what feelin it leaves you with. I believe to create this concept and then make sure it portrays what he thinks on the screen was a great work in itself. For me it was a sort of an evolution just to see this untried concept unfold on the screen. While i agree with some other points mentioned, this one surely is one where I dont :)
