Saturday, December 4, 2010

Royal O'Reilly Tenenbaum 1932-2001 Died Tragically Rescuing His Family From The Wreckage Of A Destroyed Sinking Battleship

The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

Rating 5.00/5.00
where 5 is a Bill Murray film I should've reviewed here...

People who read this blog (last count around 5) would've noticed that I seem to have a liking for nearly everything I watch or listen to - nearly every movie or album I review here has a 4+ rating and some kind words and golden wungu wungus. This is far from the truth. I watch a lot of movies/TV series and listen to a lot of music but I tend to write about only those which really make me pick up the pen so to say. My blog is not FIFO (first in first out) review site - it doesn't have reviews of everything that comes my way - it is a review site for music and films that excite me - and that's what it was meant to be from the very beginning.

The para above is to justify the fact that I have within a fortnight found two movies which deserve a 5/5 in my terribly tough, achingly objective and statistically enricofermish rating scale. The first was Four Lions (reviewed just before this) and the second one is this beautiful film. If you have a film with Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson writing the script together then you can assume the film is going to be perfect - here are three fantastic example of perfect moviemaking -

1. Bottle Rocket - in my top 10 of the best movies of all time. Frienship can't be captured better than this.

2. Rushmore - Jason Schwartzman started somewhere here I guess and look where he is now. Bill Murray is there too - Murray seems to be a Wes favorite - he's there in all his movies I think.

3. The Royal Tenenbaums

How can they write these films - what do they smoke - what did they sniff? This is magic!

And yes, Gene Hackman is a new man in my eyes today. What an actor!

IMDB link here


  1. i agree. both on the defensive para and the movie.
    but what actually ticked you in for the tenenbaums?

  2. RUSHMORE Pins !!!
