Saturday, December 31, 2011

Preface: A Brief History of Cinema

Features in my top  10 of all time - a list which is a TRILLION GAZILLION times more relevant than IMDB top 100!

2011 was a wonderful cycle: start with discontent - move to exploration - then to discovery - and move back to discontent - exploration and on and on and on it went..that's what life should ideally be about! Explore, discover, create something - something that only YOU can create, make people around you a little bit happier than they were before they met you and then leave whatever you have built and build something new again.

Blogging is all about sharing - and for all the people who actually take the time out to read this and even for those who came across this blog because they searched for something arbitrary and then desperately fumbled to hit the close button - here's my 2012 resolution for the blog...I'm now going to get into a serious knowledge sharing mode....and that would mean a brief history of 'my take on' cinema...starting with the next WATCH OUT!

Here's hoping for more discontent, exploration, discovery and creation in 2012.

ah..found the X button! My eyes are giving to get them checked.

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