Friday, August 28, 2020

unMind - my third book is out!


unMind is a graphic retelling of the powerful teachings of two great mystics of modern India - Ramana Maharishi (1879 - 1950) and Ramesh Balsekar (1917-2009). Sri Ramana and Ramesh taught the path of non-duality (or advaita) as a way to Self-realization.

Non-duality is a path of knowledge that urges us to enquire into the nature of our existence. According to advaita, turning inward to find our true identity is the path to enlightenment. Unlike other spiritual methods, the teachings of an advaita saint don't include elaborate practices or rituals, instead the focus is on asking who we truly are ('Who am I?') and realizing (via experience and knowlegde) the absolute truth that's instantly available to anyone who's willing to seek.

Ramana Maharishi is considered by many modern spiritual thinkers to be the greatest sage of the 20th century. However, not many people today know about him or his teachings. I realized that readers (and seekers) would find most of the books written on him to be archaic and inaccessible and that's how unMind was born. I believe bringing these spiritual insights in an accessible, visual format can be of great benefit to the serious seeker as well as those who are intrigued by mysticism and spirituality.

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